dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011



Vocabulary: write 1O new words
slayings-assassinats, nightmares-malsons.
crani, solidify -solidificar.
esclavitzador, murderer-assassí,
carn, blood-sang.
sense cap, black steed- cavall negre.

Characters. A description.
Ichabod Crane
A native of Connecticut, Ichabod Crane comes to Sleepy Hollow to work as a schoolteacher . He is tall and extremely thin. He uses the rod as his preferred method o
f disciplining his students—but only on those strong enough to bear it. He is especially interested in ghost stories and the supernatural, because he believes in it. His attempt to woo Katrina Van Tassel fails just before he meets the headless horseman.

Katrina Van Tassel
The only child of a wealthy farmer, Baltus Van Tassel, Katrina is eighteen and universally known for both her beauty and her riches, and she always dresses to show off her best features. she is the object of his desires. Just at the point when Ichabod thinks he has won her over, the narrator suggests that an undisclosed attempt was unsuccessful, which means that Ichabod must leave her house dejected and susceptible to his worst fears.

the headless horseman:
a Germanic mercenary sent to America in the War of Independence, that a soldier mercenariera much feared in the world, was known by the name of cutting heads because he was walking with his horse across the battlefield on his way leaving death and darkness, run this and was buried in the woods of Sleepy Hollow.

Who's your favourite character? Why?
my favorite charecter is Ichabod Crane because

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